Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Cry for Help

    To General Richard P. Viper, 
    To the Noble Spike, protector of our seas,
    To whomever this letter may reach,

    My last hope is in god that this letter has found you. My name is Armon Selar, chief and leader of Arni Village. We have met before in the past and the past holds my greatest of afflictions. To readily were we to dismiss you and your men. You have lived and died for this land and this people, and I commend you. For I must now ask, please live and die for it once more. You will be already aware that the dragon had destroyed our beloved village years ago. But now as we've begun to rebuild, we find ourselves under attack yet again. Men, women, and children who held no ill will are laid at your feet. Scattered in a blood bath covered in ash. I ask you, no, I beg you to come to our aid. Daily, more innocent lives are diminished and soon Arni Village will be no more.

            Whoever is left...

[This chapter was written by a former co-author, Alex Kennedy, who is no longer with Ash and Kiki, and was edited by Ash Skyler and Kiki Rhodes for the purposes of this and future publications.]

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