Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year

As a new year begins, we tend to put a lot of pressure on looking forward. Where we're headed and how we'll get there. Many of those focuses revolve around bettering ourselves. Lose weight, exercise more, quit that bad habit, get a better job. We look to our future and how we can make it better for ourselves. That is a good thing. We should always be looking to better ourselves. But too often we forget that the world does not revolve around us. That is why this year, I looked back. Back at the year I just finished and all the ways my actions affected my friends. I won't bore you with all the details, but a lot of my choices and actions hurt some of my closest friends. I plan to fix that this year. Therefore, along with the traditional better body better job resolutions, I've added a few to my list I think will help benefit others. 

1. Write one page (or three paragraphs) every day. Whether it be a blog post, our novel, or my own journal. Writing is not only good for my future, but writing on my collaboration projects benefits the future of my bestie as well!

2. Start a legit devotional. Yes, this is a Bible thing. But I've come to realize that not only does strengthening my spiritual walk help me and my own goals, it positively affects those around me. My family especially. When I'm not focused on God, my family, my friends, and my work all suffer. 

3. Diet. I know this is a traditional one, but believe it or not, it's not for me. My mom needs to lose weight for medical reasons. But it's hard for her to do it alone. This year, I'm getting serious about sticking to a diet with her to be her weight loss buddy and encourage her to keep at it! Maybe by this time next year she'll be back on the track to wellness!

4. Be dependable. Over the past year, I've hurt my best friend. In particular I've hurt her by breaking my promises. When I say "It'll be done tonight." it doesn't get done. She called me out on it last week. I'm issuing here a public apology, to her and all of you. And promising that from now on, my deadlines will be met. Not matter what. 

I hope you all had a wonderful new year and I pray that all your resolutions and hopes and dreams for 2014 come true! 

Happy New Year!!!


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